(M2M-Now is not financially responsible in anyway for any missionary or volunteer who utilizes this site. M2M-Now reserves the right to remove any volunteer or missionary who does not agree with the statement of faith of M2M-Now. M2M-Now does not recommend or endorse any volunteer or missionary nor is responsible for the conduct of any volunteer or missionary. M2M-Now provides tools to help volunteers and missionaries to connect and make informed decisions; however, each individual is solely responsible for selecting an appropriate volunteer or missionary for themselves.)
The purpose of this site is to allow missionaries to connect with individuals who are interested in short term missions. Through this site, volunteers can join the network (Join Our Network tab) and post their abilities... and missionaries can join the network (Join Our Network tab) to post their ministry info and needs. Volunteers can search for service opportunities, and missionaries can search for individuals they feel would be a help to their ministry.  Missionaries and volunteers should view the statement of faith in the respective tabs.
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